אפר 18

Panda – cloud video encoding php rest api

Getting started with Panda

At the core of Panda is a REST API which supports uploading and managing of videos, encodings and output profiles.

Every Panda account has a number of clouds. Each cloud defines a single storage for your uploaded videos, resulting encodings and thumbnails.

Typically you will want to create a separate cloud for each website you plan to integrate Panda into. You can also use clouds to separate production and staging environments.

To access the API there are client libraries available in many languages: See all client libraries. Refer to the API Docs when using the API. All API responses are JSON-formatted.

The following guides are also available: Rails How-to and PHP How-to.

API Reference.

יונ 28

Bitnami Blog: Performance enhacements for Apache and PHP

Performance enhancements for Apache and PHP

In addition to updating and expanding the #Bitnami Library, we are continuously looking for ways to improve our existing Bitnami stacks. In this latest round of updates, we focused on improving the performance of our Bitnami Stacks in limited resource systems such as #Amazon #EC2 micro instances, which have 1 virtual CPU and 613 MB of RAM, and Microsoft Azure extra-small virtual machines, that ship 1 CPU core and 768 MB of RAM.

We have now configured our Virtual Machines and Cloud Images to use the #Apache Event MPM and #PHP-FPM, resulting in reduced memory usage and an increase in the number of simultaneous requests that they can handle.


What is the Apache event MPM?

Apache supports three different Multi-Processing Modules (MPMs) that are responsible for binding to network ports on the machine, accepting requests and dispatching children to handle the requests.

ב-Bitnami Blog: Performance enhacements for Apache and PHP.

פבר 21

The Architecture of Open Source Applications Volume 2: Moodle

Moodle is a web application used in educational settings. While this chapter will try to give an overview of all aspects of how Moodle works, it focuses on those areas where Moodle’s design is particularly interesting:The way the application is divided into plugins;The permission system, which controls which users can perform which actions in different parts of the system;The way output is generated, so that different themes skins can be used to give different appearances, and so that the interface can be localised.The database abstraction layer.

ב-The Architecture of Open Source Applications Volume 2: Moodle.

אוק 06

PHP on Google App Engine

At Google IO this year, Google announced support for a new runtime running on App Engine, PHP. Currently, they have full support for languages such as Python, Java, and Go. PHP on App Engine was the number one request voted by developers and Google has finally delivered. PHP empowers a great percentage of the web sites in the world, it is very likely this will be taken out of Experimental mode soon into full Production mode. Google has taken the open source PHP 5.4 platform and augmented it to run on App Engine. They created a safe “sandboxed” environment for your apps.

פורסם ב: PHP on Google App Engine.

יונ 07

Webinar Recording: PhpStorm Best Practices – The Perfect Workflow for PHP Developers

The recording of our May 29th webinar with Maarten Balliauw and Mikhail Vink, PhpStorm Best Practices – The Perfect Workflow for PHP Developers, is now available on YouTube and JetBrains.tv.

In this webinar, we look at the most important everyday actions in PhpStorm IDE. Learn how to navigate between files, classes or other elements in our project, and see how we can use code autocompletion, PHPDoc, intentions and live templates to make our life as developers easier.

פורסם ב-Webinar Recording: PhpStorm Best Practices – The Perfect Workflow for PHP Developers | JetBrains PhpStorm Blog.