Prototype demonstrating how xAPI may be utilized to create a custom workflow. H5P empowers everyone to create, share and reuse interactive content – all you need is a web browser and a web site that supports H5P.
מקור: Do you know H5P? | H5P
Prototype demonstrating how xAPI may be utilized to create a custom workflow. H5P empowers everyone to create, share and reuse interactive content – all you need is a web browser and a web site that supports H5P.
מקור: Do you know H5P? | H5P
Daniel Scheidegger’s Word Template version 20, which Lael Grant modified into version 21. Others from the Moodle community have also contributed code to it. This forum explains a bit.
3 September 2014: CodeRunner: authentic e-assessment for computer programming
Presenter: Richard Lobb, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Hosted by Dr Mathew Hillier, University of Queensland, Australia starting 07:00AM UST/GMT. Duration 54 Minutes.
This session explored the features of CodeRunner; a Moodle question type in which student submitted program code is automatically evaluated against a range of test criteria and a grade assigned.
In introductory programming courses the question might be as simple as “Write a Python function sqrx that returns its parameter squared” however more advanced exercises can also be handled, such as “Modify the compiler discussed in lectures to handle the following language extensions”. The submission is graded by running a series of tests on the submitted code within a sandbox, comparing the output with the expected output. Students receive immediate feedback and are able to resubmit for a small penalty. It is also possible to process the responses to questions in which the student answer is not program code at all. Instead the question type can be used to accept any text as a response which can then be assessed against a set of test criteria defined by the instructor in the form of program code. Coderunner is used at the University of Canterbury for laboratories, assignments and mid-course tests in several courses and is to be used in a final exam for the first time this year. The talk reported on experiences with CodeRunner in several courses and demonstrated the authoring of questions and the range of different questions that can be asked.
A #EasyOChem question type demonstration #Moodle course.
Demo Quiz Quick simple – quiz demonstrating a few of the question types:
In computer science studies and others of technology profiles, there are subjects that use the programming assignments as an important educational tool.
The programming assignments of the early courses can present particular difficulties for the student and require frequent monitoring by the teacher. Often, until the work is assessed, students don’t know if it is correct or not. This mode of operation meets the evaluative aspect, but does not provide the student to learn from their mistakes, which lost a significant part of the learning potential associated with the making of an assignment. More over, the evaluation may require considerable time and effort by the teacher due to the number of students, the number of submits required and their complexity.
The availability of a teaching tool to facilitate monitoring and personalized guidance in a continuous learning process allows to reduce the initial difficulties faced by the student. For teachers, the possibility of automating much of the assessment allows them to perform other productive tasks.VPL is a #programming #assignment management system, #Moodle integrable, that lets edit and execute programs and enable the automatic and continuous assessment.
This site is for the support of the Moodle Reader Module, a module that provides quizzes on over 3000 graded readers and books for young readers, so that teachers can have a simple way to assess their students’ work. All quizzes are randomized with a time-limit for their completion which allows students to take the quizzes open-book, even at home, while minimizing the possibility of cheating. Note that there is no reading material for students here apart from the quizzes themselves.
Using #Moodle, have you ever wanted to have a “course” (SCORM Package) where you can track both the progression of the course and a #quiz at the same time? Or maybe track multiple quizzes at the same time?
When you publish #Articulate to #LMS, you essentially track a single element within a course. So if you have a presentation with three embedded Quizmaker quizzes in Presenter, you can only track one of those quizzes or the number of slides viewed in the presentation.
However there is a way to publish each quiz separately but have them within the same #SCORM file so that the user moves from one quiz to another within the same trackable course. Technically, you build separate SCO elements and place them within a single SCORM package.
And… A related discussion (Moodle & Multi SCOs SCORM) about the above subject with interesting links!
ב-Use SSP To Track Multiple Quizzes and Courses | Dave Moxon’s Articulate eLearning Blog.
The Adaptive Quiz activity enables a teacher to create tests that efficiently measure the takers’ abilities. Adaptive tests are comprised of questions selected from the question bank that are tagged with a score of their difficulty. The questions are chosen to match the estimated ability level of the current test-taker. If the test-taker succeeds on a question, a more challenging question is presented next. If the test-taker answers a question incorrectly, a less-challenging question is presented next. This technique will develop into a sequence of questions converging on the test-taker’s effective ability level. The test stops when the test-taker’s ability is determined to the required accuracy.
The Virtual Programming Lab VPL a cool activity for Moodle provides some pretty slick functionality right to Moodle to help with assessing and teaching different programming languages.
See my earlier posts here:
Supported languages include Ada, C, C++, C#, Fortran, Haskell, Java, Matlab/Octave, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Prolog, Ruby, Scheme, Shell script, SQL and VHDL.
Read more about the upgrades at out the demo:
היה ב-The Virtual Programming Lab VPL For Moodle gets upgraded for 2.0 | Moodle News.
Tim Hunt has made some major progress in the realm of Autosaving student examination sessions and displaying any connectivity issues to the student if the connection does happen to drop. Autosave of a quiz actually has been available since Moodle 2.5′s release
פורסם ב: #Moodlewish Granted: Autosave in Moodle | Moodle News.