How 8 Companies are Using the Tin Can API (xAPI)
Tracking Twitter mentions
Other services that work with Wax LRS
Select the search term you want to track
Since we only want to track Wax LRS mentions, we need to select a search term for this Zap, we enter the @waxlrs Twitter handle.
Every time somebody mentions Wax LRS on Twitter, this Zap will automatically record a new Experience API statement to Wax LRS.
We’d like to track more about the mention as well, like the author and content of the tweet. To do that, we need to map specific Twitter information about the person, tweet, and other info to a new statement…
Email? Sure enough.
Here’s a demo for using Zapier with Wax LRS
Making YouTube video player “talk” xAPI (TinCan)
Watershe First – We are assembling a group of 6 companies to participate in a massive learning technology project, and we want you to participate.
פורסם ב: Watershed First.
Apache Cordova is a set of device APIs that allow a mobile app developer to access native device function such as the camera or accelerometer from JavaScript. Combined with a UI framework such as jQuery Mobile or Dojo Mobile or Sencha Touch, this allows a smartphone app to be developed with just HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
פורסם ב: Apache Cordova.
Hi all,
I’ve just completed a Moodle plug in that lets you launch Tin Can activities from a Moodle course and then track them with any LRS. You don’t need to upload the activities to Moodle – just host them anywhere on the internet. This is compatible with activities implementing the Rustici launch method as described here: This includes Articulate Storyline and Adobe Captivate content.