ספט 16

catalyst/moodle-local_smartmedia: Moodle LMS Smartmedia local plugin

Smart media aims to enhance Moodle’s processing and delivery of multimedia while simplifying the process of managing multimedia for teachers and students.

The smart media plugins in Moodle aim to solve the following two user stories:

As a teacher I have a video that works on my local device and I want to make that video available to my students in a suitable format, by adding it to any rich text area in Moodle. Without the need for me to do any other operations on the video apart from uploading to Moodle.

As a student I want to be able to view any video on my chosen device; added to a rich text area in Moodle by a teacher. Regardless of the environment I’m accessing the video or my bandwidth limitations.

Smart media leverages cloud services provided through Amazon Web Services (AWS) in order to conduct video transcoding into required formats and provide additional analytics functionality for multimedia.

Source: catalyst/moodle-local_smartmedia: Moodle LMS Smartmedia local plugin

ספט 17

How to Setup BigBlueButton HTML5 Version on EC2 – Meetrix.IO

BigBlueButton provides a script to install BigBlueButton with single command but it is always better to go through each step, so that you know what is really being done and makes it easy to do any modification or debug any error.

Source: How to Setup BigBlueButton HTML5 Version on EC2 – Meetrix.IO

יול 05

Reference Architecture – Auto-scaling Moodle deployment on AWS

#AWS provides a highly scalable and reliable cloud hosting environment for #Moodle. With features like Auto Scaling Groups, Elastic Load Balancers and CloudWatch Monitoring services, Moodle deployments on AWS can be configured to automatically scale up and down seamlessly to meet the highs and lows in the demand curve in the most optimum and cost-effective manner. This post presents reference architecture for deploying Moodle Learning Management System over AWS Cloud to achieve high levels of #Performance, #Scalability, Availability, Security and Reliability.

ב-Moodle on AWS.