אוק 20


Autoscaling Moodle stack for Postgres and MySQL databases

This work is mostly based on Paulo Teixeira’s work. It adds several configurable features and switches to a web stack with caching. It also uses Azure resources for Redis, ObjectFS and Databases.

After deploying, these templates will provide you with a new Moodle site with caching for speed and scaling frontends to handle PHP load. The filesystem behind it is mirrored for high availability and optionally backed up through Azure. Filesystem permissions and options have also been tuned to make Moodle more secure than a default install.

Source: CatalystAUInf/azure-moodle-autoscale

מרץ 27

Azure/Moodle: Tooling and guidance on deploying Scalable Moodle Clusters on Azure.

Tooling and guidance on deploying Scalable Moodle Clusters on Azure.

This repo contains guides and Azure Resource Manager templates designed to help you deploy and manage a highly available and scalable Moodle cluster on Azure. In addition, the repo contains other useful information relevant to running Moodle on Azure such as a listing of Azure-relevant Moodle plugins and information on how to offer Moodle as a Managed Application on the Azure Marketplace or on an IT Service Catalog.

Source: Azure/Moodle: Tooling and guidance on deploying Scalable Moodle Clusters on Azure.