מאי 27

Tracking Adobe Captivate Activities in Moodle

Tracking #Adobe #Captivate Activities in Moodle The #SCORM activity in Moodle allows users to upload content that follows the SCORM 1.2 specification. SCORM packages extend the functionality of #Moodle by integrating content created with a variety of authoring tools. In addition, using SCORM allows for cross platform integration by importing content from another system for reuse.

ב-Tracking Adobe Captivate Activities in Moodle.

ינו 16

Solution Grove – Integrating Moodle With Khan Academy Code Base

We are currently integrating the Khan Academy code base to Moodle.  We are planning several levels of integration.  The first is allowing Single Sign On from a Moodle instance to the Khan Academy code base.  Next is is creating reusable Moodle blocks that can be instantiated inside Moodle classes and allow fetching of different kinds of usable information from the different Khan Academy user and coach reports.  Future development will be guided by the needs of our teachers.  We are considering ideas such as allowing teachers to add their own videos and maybe exercises and to expand teacher/class centric student activity reporting, perhaps integrating into Moodle’s Gradebook.

פורסם ב-Solution Grove – Integrating Moodle With Khan Academy Code Base.