מרץ 21

Wix Media Platform on Google Cloud Platform – Wix Media Platform on Google Cloud — Google Cloud Platform

Wix Media Platform on Google Cloud Platform

Wix Media Platform is a collection of services for storing, serving, uploading, and managing image, audio, and video files. It includes the following components:

  • Image Services give you powerful REST APIs that enable you to manipulate images on the fly.
  • Video Services let you host, transcode, and serve video seamlessly across any Internet-enabled device.
  • Audio Services enable you to upload professional audio files, which are automatically transcoded into web-friendly formats.
  • Media Manager lets you upload and organize media, as well as view statistics about media serving.
  • Playground helps you produce ready-to-use code snippets and play with the services.
  • SDKs include client-side and server-side libraries.

היה ב-Wix Media Platform on Google Cloud Platform – Wix Media Platform on Google Cloud — Google Cloud Platform.