יונ 09

The Moodle Reader Module

This site is for the support of the Moodle Reader Module, a module that provides quizzes on over 3000 graded readers and books for young readers, so that teachers can have a simple way to assess their students’ work. All quizzes are randomized with a time-limit for their completion which allows students to take the quizzes open-book, even at home, while minimizing the possibility of cheating. Note that there is no reading material for students here apart from the quizzes themselves.

ב-The Moodle Reader Module.

יונ 05

Use SSP To Track Multiple Quizzes and Courses | Dave Moxon’s Articulate eLearning Blog

Using #Moodle, have you ever wanted to have a “course” (SCORM Package) where you can track both the progression of the course and a #quiz at the same time? Or maybe track multiple quizzes at the same time?

When you publish #Articulate to #LMS, you essentially track a single element within a course. So if you have a presentation with three embedded Quizmaker quizzes in Presenter, you can only track one of those quizzes or the number of slides viewed in the presentation.

However there is a way to publish each quiz separately but have them within the same #SCORM file so that the user moves from one quiz to another within the same trackable course. Technically, you build separate SCO elements and place them within a single SCORM package.

And… A related discussion (Moodle & Multi SCOs SCORM) about the above subject with interesting links!

ב-Use SSP To Track Multiple Quizzes and Courses | Dave Moxon’s Articulate eLearning Blog.

יונ 03

Adaptive Quiz Module for Moodle 2.5 | Moodle News

The Adaptive Quiz activity enables a teacher to create tests that efficiently measure the takers’ abilities. Adaptive tests are comprised of questions selected from the question bank that are tagged with a score of their difficulty. The questions are chosen to match the estimated ability level of the current test-taker. If the test-taker succeeds on a question, a more challenging question is presented next. If the test-taker answers a question incorrectly, a less-challenging question is presented next. This technique will develop into a sequence of questions converging on the test-taker’s effective ability level. The test stops when the test-taker’s ability is determined to the required accuracy.

ב-Adaptive Quiz Module for Moodle 2.5 | Moodle News.

יונ 03

Cloudways Offers Moodle On Click&Go Cloud Platform

When we launched Click&Go, we were not aware of the progress it would make. We had offered a few applications initially, including #Moodle, #WordPress, #Drupal, #Magento, #Joomla, and #MediaWiki. As the time progressed, our customers demanded for additional applications and features to support their websites. Well, there is good news!

One of the best features of our Click&Go platform is its speed. Our VMAN formula, a fruitful combination of #Varnish, #Memcached, #Apache, and #Nginx, gives you 50% faster speed when compared to other Moodle hosting providers.

Plus, the Click&Go #Moodle cloud platform comes with feature-rich console. It helps you to monitor 15 important server performance metrics without any hassle.

ב-Cloudways Offers Moodle On Click&Go Cloud Platform.

מאי 27

Tracking Adobe Captivate Activities in Moodle

Tracking #Adobe #Captivate Activities in Moodle The #SCORM activity in Moodle allows users to upload content that follows the SCORM 1.2 specification. SCORM packages extend the functionality of #Moodle by integrating content created with a variety of authoring tools. In addition, using SCORM allows for cross platform integration by importing content from another system for reuse.

ב-Tracking Adobe Captivate Activities in Moodle.

מאי 20

Wax LRS and Zapier

Tracking Twitter mentions

Other services that work with Wax LRS

  • Salesforce.com CRM? Absolutely.
  • Go To Meeting integration? Oh yeah.
  • Twitter mentions, faves, and lists? Yup.
  • Forms for tracking observations? Done.
  • Trello cards and activity? Set it up.

Select the search term you want to track

Since we only want to track Wax LRS mentions, we need to select a search term for this Zap, we enter the @waxlrs Twitter handle.

Every time somebody mentions Wax LRS on Twitter, this Zap will automatically record a new Experience API statement to Wax LRS.

We’d like to track more about the mention as well, like the author and content of the tweet. To do that, we need to map specific Twitter information about the person, tweet, and other info to a new statement…

Email? Sure enough.

Here’s a demo for using Zapier with Wax LRS

ב-Wax LRS and Zapier.