Source: Webinar: Moodle on AWS – a secure, scalable solution for higher and further education
Tag Archives: moodle
llagerlof/freezer: Freezer is a tool to help developers to discover which database’s records are inserted by other programs.
Freezer is a tool to help developers discover which database records are created by some application’s action and which tables received these new records because that action.
It makes much easier to spot these tables and its new records, understand how the third-party application interacts with the database and also how relationships are made.
philkra/elastic-apm-php-agent: PHP Agent for Elastic APM
PHP Agent for Elastic APM – This is a community PHP agent for’s APM solution.
Source: philkra/elastic-apm-php-agent: PHP Agent for Elastic APM
Application Performance Monitoring (APM) with Elasticsearch | Elastic
Open source Application Performance Monitoring
Already housing logs and system metrics in Elasticsearch? Expand to application metrics with free and open Elastic APM. See exactly where your application is spending time so you can quickly fix issues and feel good about the code you push.
And PHP APM agent
Source: Application Performance Monitoring (APM) with Elasticsearch | Elastic
mudrd8mz/node-moodle-client: Node.js client for Moodle web services API
Azure/Moodle: Tooling and guidance on deploying Scalable Moodle Clusters on Azure.
Tooling and guidance on deploying Scalable Moodle Clusters on Azure.
This repo contains guides and Azure Resource Manager templates designed to help you deploy and manage a highly available and scalable Moodle cluster on Azure. In addition, the repo contains other useful information relevant to running Moodle on Azure such as a listing of Azure-relevant Moodle plugins and information on how to offer Moodle as a Managed Application on the Azure Marketplace or on an IT Service Catalog.
Source: Azure/Moodle: Tooling and guidance on deploying Scalable Moodle Clusters on Azure.
Behat testing in Moodle by:Tom Dickman
Presentation: Behat testing in Moodle
By: Tom Dickman
Behat is a BDD framework for PHP to help you test business expectations.
Source: Behat testing
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