ינו 06

MyToDo list – demonstrate usage of advanced coding techniques available in recent Moodle versions

Simple plugin implementing a personal ToDo list on the user’s Moodle dashboard.

Simple plugin implementing a personal ToDo list on the user’s Moodle dashboard.

The main purpose of this plugin is to demonstrate usage of advanced coding techniques available in recent Moodle versions. Most notably:

Source: Moodle plugins directory: My ToDo list

פבר 01

How to add renderers and templates to your Moodle Plugin – Tutorial by Mike Churchward #Moodledev – Moodle World

Introduced in Moodle 2.0, Moodle renderers are now expanded to make use of the templates, using the Mustache templating language. The use of templating language enabled the separation of HTML from PHP/JavaScript to allow the theme designers more creatively.

מקור: How to add renderers and templates to your Moodle Plugin – Tutorial by Mike Churchward #Moodledev – Moodle World