יול 18

Moodle in English: Using X-Sendfile to serve files in Moodle

Recently someone told me about the X-Sendfile support that was added to Moodle in version 2.3 and I just wanted to publicise the feature to let others know about it. 

I don’t believe that it’s currently well documented which is a shame, and something I’d like to improve when I have a few minutes. The current documentation that I’ve come across is all in config-dist.php (search for X-Sendfile).

The idea of the feature is to get the web server to serve files from moodledata rather than having it done using PHP. On the whole, this is a good thing for a number of reasons:
* php isn’t particularly efficient at serving files in this way (byte-serving) – it doesn’t cache files for starters (though your kernel should of course);
* while php is serving a file, it’s unlikely to fork in an effective manner so you’re also locking processes which could otherwise serve your users;
* your web server’s primary aim is to serve files – it’s designed for this and it is designed to do so in an extremely efficient manner. It’s also likely to handle caching much more efficiently.

ב-Moodle in English: Using X-Sendfile to serve files in Moodle.

יול 11

Docker Hub Registry – Repositories of Docker Images – Moodle

A Dockerfile that installs the latest Moodle, Apache, PHP, MySQL and SSH

ב-sergiogomez/docker-moodle Repository | Docker Hub Registry – Repositories of Docker Images.

Google Cloud PlatformQuickStart with Container-optimized Google Compute Engine images

Manage everything with Kubernetes is an open source implementation of container cluster management.

Docker EcoSystem mindmap:

יול 05

Reference Architecture – Auto-scaling Moodle deployment on AWS

#AWS provides a highly scalable and reliable cloud hosting environment for #Moodle. With features like Auto Scaling Groups, Elastic Load Balancers and CloudWatch Monitoring services, Moodle deployments on AWS can be configured to automatically scale up and down seamlessly to meet the highs and lows in the demand curve in the most optimum and cost-effective manner. This post presents reference architecture for deploying Moodle Learning Management System over AWS Cloud to achieve high levels of #Performance, #Scalability, Availability, Security and Reliability.

ב-Moodle on AWS.

יונ 29

Open http port ( 80 ) in iptables on CentOS

I was recently setting up a web server on #centos with apache and php. The installation of #apache was fine, but the http port of the system was not accessible from outside. This is because centOS by default has some #iptables #firewall rules in effect. Only the #ssh port (22) was accessible and remote shell worked. So its necessary to open up port 80 for webserver like nginx to work.

 ב-Open http port ( 80 ) in iptables on CentOS.

יונ 28

Bitnami Blog: Performance enhacements for Apache and PHP

Performance enhancements for Apache and PHP

In addition to updating and expanding the #Bitnami Library, we are continuously looking for ways to improve our existing Bitnami stacks. In this latest round of updates, we focused on improving the performance of our Bitnami Stacks in limited resource systems such as #Amazon #EC2 micro instances, which have 1 virtual CPU and 613 MB of RAM, and Microsoft Azure extra-small virtual machines, that ship 1 CPU core and 768 MB of RAM.

We have now configured our Virtual Machines and Cloud Images to use the #Apache Event MPM and #PHP-FPM, resulting in reduced memory usage and an increase in the number of simultaneous requests that they can handle.


What is the Apache event MPM?

Apache supports three different Multi-Processing Modules (MPMs) that are responsible for binding to network ports on the machine, accepting requests and dispatching children to handle the requests.

ב-Bitnami Blog: Performance enhacements for Apache and PHP.

יונ 27

Cloud&Heat – Moodle cloud hosting

CLOUD&HEAT AT Together with our portfolio of 1-click images, our green cloud offers the most favourable conditions for your start-up to quickly establish an efficient and effective IT infrastructure for your business model.


Whether you need an e-commerce platform, a content management system, a CRM solution or an #LMS #Moodle elearning solution, we offer you the suitable application together with our #OpenStack cloud.

The heat from the servers is used to heat up the buildings!
